I would like to catch a click event with jQuery and be able to tell if a key was pressed at the same time so I can fork within the callback function based on the keypress event.
For example:
$("button").click(function() {
// Do something...
} else {
// Do something different...
Is this possible at all or how can it be done if it is possible?
You can easily detect the shift, alt and control keys from the event properties;
See quirksmode for more properties. If you want to detect other keys, see cletus's answer.
You need to separately track the key status using
:See the list of key codes. Now you can check that:
I was able to use it with JavaScript alone
Without stealing @Arun Prasad's thunder, here is a pure JS snippet I rehashed to stop the default action, which would otherwise open a new window if CTL+click is pressed.