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Structs, Interfaces and Boxing
From the MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yz2be5wk.aspx
Boxing is the process of converting a value type to the type object or to any interface type implemented by this value type.
But what about generic interfaces?
For example, int
derives from both IComparable
and IComparable<int>
Let's say I have the following code:
void foo(IComparable value) { /* etc. */ }
void bar(IComparable<T> value) { /* etc. */ }
void gizmo()
int i = 42;
bar(i); // is `i` boxed? I'd say YES
foo(i); // is `i` boxed? I fear it is (but I hope for NO)
Does bar
(or any function taking a non-generic interface) means there will be boxing?
Does foo
(or any function taking a generic interface on the type) means there will be boxing?
Summary of answers
My confusion about generic interfaces and boxing/unboxing came from the fact I knew C# generics enabled us to produce more efficient code.
For example, the fact
meant to me:IComparable
was to be used with old, pre-generics code, but would mean boxing/unboxingIComparable<T>
was to be used to generics enabled code, supposedly avoiding boxing/unboxingEric Lippert's comment is as simple, clear and direct as it can be:
From now, I know without doubt that casting a struct into an interface will imply boxing.
But then, how
was supposed to work more efficiently thanIComparable
?This is where supercat's answer (edited by Lasse V. Karlsen) pointed me to the fact generics were more like C++ templates than I thought:
Which is quite different from:
Or even:
My guess is that for the first prototype, the runtime will generate one function per type, and thus, avoid boxing issues when dealing with structs.
Whereas, for the second prototype, the runtime will only generate functions with an interface as a parameter, and as such, do boxing when T is a struct. The third function will just box the struct, no more, no less.
(I guess this is where C# generics combined with C# structs show their superiority when compared with Java type-erasure generics implementation.)
Merlyn Morgan-Graham's answer provided me with an example of test I'll play with at home. I'll complete this summary as soon as I have meaningful results (I guess I'll try to use pass-by-reference semantics to see how all that works...)
First, a short (and probably incomplete) primer on value types, reference types, and boxing.
You can tell that something is a value type because changes made in a function do not persist outside the function. The value of the object is copied when the function is called, and thrown away at the end of that function.
You can tell that something is a reference type because changes made in a function persist outside the function. The value of the object is not copied when the function is called, and exists after the end of that function.
If something is boxed, a single copy is made, and seated within a reference type. It effectively changes from a value type to a reference type.
Note that this all applies to instanced state, i.e. any non-static member data. Static members are not instanced state, and have nothing to do with reference types, value types, or boxing. Methods and properties that don't use instanced state (for example, ones that use only local variables or static member data) will not operate differently differently on reference types, value types, or when boxing occurs.
Armed with that knowledge, here is how we can prove that boxing does occur when converting a struct to an interface (generic or not):
The output looks like this:
This means that boxing occurs only when doing the conversion:
I won't bother duplicating all the code here, but if you change
, you'll still have the same behavior.Any time a struct is cast to an interface, it is boxed. The purpose of IComparable<T> is to allow for something like:
When used in that fashion, the struct will be passed as a struct (via the generic type parameter) rather than as an interface, and thus will not have to be boxed. Note that depending upon the size of the struct, it may sometimes be better to pass by value and sometimes by reference, though of course if one is using an existing interface like IComparable one must pass as the interface demands.