I am trying to use ActiveResource to consume xml data from a third party API. I can use the RESTClient app to successfully authenticate and make requests. I coded my app and when I make a request I get a 404 error. I added:
ActiveResource::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)
to my development.rb file and figured out the problem. The API responds with xml data to requests that do NOT end in xml. EG, this works in RESTClient:
but ActiveResource is sending this request instead
Is there anyway "nice" way to strip the extension from the request being generated by ActiveResource?
It's far simpler to override the
accessors mentioned in this answer on a class-by-class basis, rather than monkey-patching ActiveResource application-wide which may interfere with other resources or gems which depend on ActiveResource.Just add the methods directly to your class:
If you're accessing multiple RESTful resources within the same API, you should define your own base class where common configuration can reside. This is a far better place for custom
methods:You can exclude the format string from paths with:
You probably need to override the element_path method in your model.
According to the API, the current defintion looks like this:
Removing the .#{format.extension} part might do what you need.
You can override methods of ActiveResource::Base
Add this lib in /lib/active_resource/extend/ directory don't forget uncomment
"config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)" in config/application.rb
in model