I am trying to fetch all users for a folder where the user was created after a certain date. the relationship between the user and the folder lives in a seperate table.
This is the query I came up with but it thorws the exception
No explicit selection and an implicit one cold not be determined
The code
public List<RetailPostUserTbl> getNewUsersForSiteSince( Date date, Integer siteId )
List<RetailPostUserTbl> toReturn = new ArrayList<RetailPostUserTbl>();
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
Class<RpUserFolderMapTbl> userFolderPC = userFolderMapDAO.getPersistentClass();
CriteriaQuery<RpUserFolderMapTbl> mapQuery = cb.createQuery( userFolderPC );
Root<RpUserFolderMapTbl> root = mapQuery.from( userFolderPC );
Path<Integer> folderIdPath = root.get( RpUserFolderMapTbl_.folder ).get( FolderTbl_.folderId );
Predicate folderCondition = cb.equal( folderIdPath, siteId );
Subquery<RetailPostUserTbl> rpSubQ = mapQuery.subquery( persistentClass );
Root<RetailPostUserTbl> subQRoot = rpSubQ.from( persistentClass );
Path<UserTbl> userPath = subQRoot.get( RetailPostUserTbl_.user );
Path<Date> userCreatedPath = userPath.get( UserTbl_.userCreateDate );
Predicate userCreateDateCondition = cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo( userCreatedPath, date );
rpSubQ.where( userCreateDateCondition );
mapQuery.where( cb.and( folderCondition, cb.exists( rpSubQ ) ) );
TypedQuery<RpUserFolderMapTbl> query = em.createQuery( mapQuery );
List<RpUserFolderMapTbl> results = query.getResultList();
for ( RpUserFolderMapTbl result : results )
RetailPostUserTbl rpuser = result.getUser().getRetailPostUser();
toReturn.add( rpuser );
return toReturn;
Anyone know why this is not working?
You should set explicitly selection also for "subqueries".
I had the exact same error today. The funny thing is that I grabbed my example from Hibernate 3.6.3.Final docs. Their example is:
What I did to "fix" the error is explicitly select the root. Note I had to create one root to solve this. Here is my example:
What I can't figure out is why an implicit selection could not be made. In Hibernate's example the only class that is used is Person.class. I'll update my response when I dig in a little further.