I am building an application where I want to be able to click a rectangle represented by a DIV, and then use the keyboard to move that DIV by listing for keyboard events.
Rather than using an event listener for those keyboard events at the document level, can I listen for keyboard events at the DIV level, perhaps by giving it keyboard focus?
Here's a simplified sample to illustrate the problem:
<div id="outer" style="background-color:#eeeeee;padding:10px">
<div id="inner" style="background-color:#bbbbbb;width:50%;margin:10px;padding:10px;">
want to be able to focus this element and pick up keypresses
<script language="Javascript">
function onClick()
//this handler is never called
function onKeypressDiv()
document.getElementById('inner').innerHTML="keypress on div";
function onKeypressDoc()
document.getElementById('inner').innerHTML="keypress on doc";
//install event handlers
document.getElementById('inner').addEventListener("click", onClick, false);
document.getElementById('inner').addEventListener("keypress", onKeypressDiv, false);
document.addEventListener("keypress", onKeypressDoc, false);
On clicking the inner DIV I try to give it focus, but subsequent keyboard events are always picked up at the document level, not my DIV level event listener.
Do I simply need to implement an application-specific notion of keyboard focus?
I should add I only need this to work in Firefox.
Sorted - I added tabindex attribute to the target DIV, which causes it to pick up keyboard events, for example
Information gleaned from http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-TECHS/SCR29.html
Paul's answer works fine, but you could also use contentEditable, like this...
Might be preferable in some cases.