I have Android project with standard build.gradle (also I added android annotations).
Also I installed Gradle plugin (from http://dist.springsource.org/release/GRECLIPSE/e4.3/) to my Eclipse (Kepler) and converted project to Gradle project.
Unfortunately I cannot run Gradle build on my Eclipse (in cmd line everything works).
My question is how to make Eclipse works with Gradle just like with Maven.
Read Is it possible to use the Gradle build system for Android with Eclipse?
try Nodeclipse/Enide Gradle for Eclipse (marketplace)
Some screenshots for Gradle for Eclipse:
a. http://gradle.org/gradle-download/ b. Choose 2.1 from previous releases section. c. Unzip at convenient folder.(Ex : D:\Graddle\gradle-2.1) d. Set system environment variables. i. GRADLE_HOME as D:\Graddle\gradle-2.1) ii. GRADLE_OPTS as -XX:MaxPermSize=512m iii. %GRADLE_HOME%\bin to Path iv. Set ANDROID_HOME ( Ex: D:\android-sdk) v. Append “%ANDROID_HOME %\platform-tools” to path.
e. Open command prompt and check gradle is set. May use gradle -version to check.
Install Gradle eclipse PlugIn: a. Launch Eclipse b. Help > Eclipse Market Place c. Search “gradle” d. In that choose “Nodeeclipse/enide” e. Select all listed, accept & install. f. Restart eclipse once installed.
Set Gradle & Java Homes : a. Launch eclipse. b. Window > Preferences > Gradle EnIDE c. Set these if not set : i. Gradle home to use is set ( Ex: D:\Graddle\gradle-2.1) ii. Alternate JAVA_HOME to use is set ( Ex : C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_60) iii. JVM options for GRADLE_OPTS is set to “-XX:MaxPermSize=512m”
Build the Project: a. Expand PhoneDishAnywhere in eclipse Java explorer. b. Right click on build.gradle c. Run As > Gradle GUI d. Comand Line : gradle clean build e. Wait for build to complete : First time build will take several minutes. f. If Build dex error or Java heap space error : i. Open build.gradle in editor. ii. Set appropriate javaMaxHeapSize based on your java (javaMaxHeapSize=1024M for 32bit Java,2048M for 64bit Java) iii. May comment signing (//apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/jenkins_config/gradle/signing.gradle";) to avoid signing for debug build. iv. Build again after these fixes.
Install Build On device: a. Connect the device to m/c. b. Right click on build.gradle c. Run As > gradle installDebug Gradle Android start d. Wait for install to complete
I use neon eclipse for android developer with gradle integration. Also, I use gradle plugin (com.github.ginvavilon:android-eclipse) for generating .project and .classpath for new structure of android project (src/main/java; src/main/res ...). Flavors and build types are supported. And use that project as gradle-project
In order to be able to build an Android gradle project with Eclipse I followed these instructions:
Install these Eclipse plugins:
If you have an old-style android project layout, change your build.gradle to configure source directories as explained in the Android Gradle User Guide.
If you have a gradle android project layout, create two symbolic links into the root of your project.
ln -s src/main/res res
ln -s src/main/AndroidManifest.xml AndroidManifest.xml
I hope it helps!