I'm trying to return a rendered View using Response::json
but I'm getting this error:
The Response content must be a string or object implementing __toString(), \"boolean\" given."
This is my code:
$posts = Post::where( ... )->orderBy( ... )->get();
$data['posts'] = View::make("posts.partials.loadHome")->with("posts", $posts)->render();
$data['msg'] = "ok";
return Response::json($data);
If I var_dump($data)
I get this:
<pre class='xdebug-var-dump' dir='ltr'>
<b>array</b> <i>(size=2)</i>
'posts' <font color='#888a85'>=></font> <small>string</small> <font color='#cc0000'>'<div class="post postGrid" data-id="1864"> <a target='_blank' href="http://objavi.net/posts/1864"><img src="http://objavi.net/" id="imgWrap" data-original="/thumbs/YAo4wFzIpl76.jpg" class="lazy" alt="Deset manje poznatih činjenica o Jozefu Staljinu"></a> <div id="bodyPreview"> <a target='_blank' href="http://objavi.net/posts/1864"><h1 class="previewTitle">Deset manje poznatih činjenica o Jozefu Staljinu</h1></a> <h3 id="postInfo"> <a class="paint" href="/category/17">zanimljivosti</a> '...</font> <i>(length=12172)</i>
'msg' <font color='#888a85'>=></font> <small>string</small> <font color='#cc0000'>'ok'</font> <i>(length=2)</i>
This is posts.partials.loadHome
@foreach($posts as $post)
<div class="post postGrid" data-id="{{ $post->id }}">
<a target='_blank' href="{{ URL::action('PostsController@show', $post->id) }}">{{ HTML::image(null, $post->title, ["id" => "imgWrap", "data-original" => $post->getThumb(), "class" => "lazy"]) }}</a>
<div id="bodyPreview">
<a target='_blank' href="{{ URL::action('PostsController@show', $post->id) }}"><h1 class="previewTitle">{{ e($post->title) }}</h1></a>
<h3 id="postInfo">
@foreach($post->categories as $c)
<a class="paint" href="/category/{{ $c->id }}">{{ $c->name }}</a>
<h2 class="bodyPreview">{{ strip_tags(truncString($post->body, 160)) }}</h2>
<div id="createdBy">
<a href="{{ URL::action('UsersController@show', $post->user()->first()->id) }}">
{{ HTML::image($post->user()->first()->getAvatar(), $post->user()->first()->username, ["width" => "32", "height" => "32"]) }}
{{{ $post->user()->first()->username }}}
<label id="timeAgo">{{ localDate($post->created_at); }}</label>
I tested this on localhost and everything works fine. What could be the problem?
Create the following function
Try to do the following
You can try this please? im return true or false (a boolean value) and not an Response value like this