When studying functors in Haskell I came up with Functor.Indexed type of functor. This functor defines an operation called imap
. I didn't understood its definition and imap
signature: imap :: (a -> b) -> f j k a -> f j k b
. I tried to find it s formal definition and found only this: http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/indexed+functor . But it really didn't help me at all. So can someone clarify in more simple words this kind of functor and in what cases should I use it? Thanks.
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An indexed functor is, to use spacesuitburritoesque wording, “a container that also contains a mapping”. I.e. a value
f j k a
will “contain” some sort of morphism(s)j -> k
(not necessarily functions, can be more general arrows) and also values of typea
.For those
values, the container is a functor in the obvious way. In fact theIxFunctor
class on its own is pretty boring – anis basically the same as
Now, where it gets interesting is when you consider the more specific functor classes. This monad one isn't actually in the
module, but I think it makes the point best clear:compare this side-by-side:
So what we do is, while joining the “container-layers”, we compose the morphisms.
The obvious example is
. Recall the standard state monadThis, when used as a monad, simply composes the
s -> s
aspect of the function:so you thread the state first through
, then throughf'
. Well, there's really no reason we need all the states to have the same type, right? After all, the intermediate state is merely passed on to the next action. Here's the indexed state monad,It does just that: