I am assembling a few lines in JavaScript using Razor. I thought the easiest way would be to assemble the entire JavaScript block first, then output the entire thing. The problem is, the single quotes are being rendered as & #39;.
Is it possible to change the last line to get this to write correctly:
var friendArray = new Array();
int i = 0;
string jsString="";
foreach(var friend in friends)
jsString = jsString + "friendArray[";
jsString = jsString + i.ToString();
jsString = jsString + "]='";
jsString = jsString + friend.displayname;
jsString = jsString + "';";
The above generates this:
friendArray[0]=& #39;Hollister& #39;;friendArray[1]=& #39;Festus& #39;;
You could turn off the encoding of HTML by outputting this way: