I am trying to have several JTextFields on a single row, but I don't want them to have the same width. How can I control the width and make some of them wider than others? I want that they together take up 100% of the total width, so it would be good if I could use some kind of weigthing.
I have tried with .setColumns()
but it doesn't make sense.
Here is an example, where I am using three rows with three strings that should appear as in columns:
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
public class RowTest extends JPanel {
class Row extends JComponent {
public Row(String str1, String str2, String str3) {
this.setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
JTextField fld1 = new JTextField(str1);
JTextField fld2 = new JTextField(str2);
JTextField fld3 = new JTextField(str3);
fld1.setColumns(5); // makes no sense
public RowTest() {
this.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,0));
this.add(new Row("Short", "A long text that takes up more space",
"Short again"));
this.add(new Row("Longer but short", "Another long string", "Short"));
this.add(new Row("Hello", "The long field again",
"Some info"));
public static void main(String[] args) {
new JFrame() {{ this.getContentPane().add(new RowTest());
this.pack(); this.setVisible(true); }};
if you start it like this it sets the textfield to be empty and to have 20 collumns
Try this:
All Swing components have a preferred size. The preferred size of a text component is based on the text of the component. So generally the component is painted at its preferred size.
So I don't see the problem with your code snippet. Each text field should have a different preferred size. Also, as the frame is resized the width will be adjusted since the BoxLayout will try to resize each component up to its maximum/minimum size.
If you need more help post your SSCCE that actually demonstrates the sizing problem you are experiencing.
Based on the latest requirement you can use the Relative Layout.