In angularjs, we have http interceptor
with which we can hook into all http calls, and show or hide loading bars, do logging, etc..
What is the equivalent in angular2?
In angularjs, we have http interceptor
with which we can hook into all http calls, and show or hide loading bars, do logging, etc..
What is the equivalent in angular2?
DEPRICATED SINCE Angular 4.3 (HttpInterCeptors are Back in 4.3)
You can create your own custom HTTP Class and use rxjs Subject Service to reuse your custom Http Class and implement your behaviors in a custom class.
Implementation of your Custom Http Class with "HttpSubjectService" which contains some rxjs Subjects.
Custom module to register your CustomHttp class - here you overwrite the default Http implementation from Angular with your own CustomHttp Implementation.
now we need the HttpSubjectService Implementation where we can SubScribe to our rxjs Subjects when they get called with the "next" statement.
to call your custom Implementations we need to Subscribe to the Subjects in the e.g. "app.component.ts".
SINCE ANGULAR 4.3 you can Use InterCeptors
In Angular 4.3 you have native Interceptors where you can implement your own stuff like a redirect for server error 500
you need to Register this in your core module in the providers Array
Try Covalent from Teradata, they provides lots of extensions for Angular and Angular Material.
Check HTTP part, it provides the missing http interceptor in Angular and RESTService(similar to restangular).
I have implemented JWT token authentication via Covalent HTTP in my sample, Please check here.
Read my development notes for it, Handle token based Authentication via IHttpInterceptor.
Angular2 donot support httpinterceptor like angular1
Here is awesome example of use of httpinterceptor in angular2.
With the Angular 4.3.1 release, there's now an interface called HttpInterceptor.
Here's the link to the docs:
Here's an implementation sample.
This would be the interceptor class implementation.
Is basically written as any other service:
Then since you'll treat this like a normal service, you have to add this line inside your app module's providers:
Hope it can help.