Running Python 2.7.3, installed with HomeBrew, on a mac.
Installed several packages using PIP, including virtualenv. (Using virtualenv as an example, but NONE of the packages work.)
When I try to run them in terminal, it fails as follows:
$ virtualenv venv --distribute
-bash: virtualenv: command not found
$ python venv
/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/ can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
A few other points that may help:
$ which python
$ pip freeze
$ echo $PATH
By default, the $PYTHONPATH was blank, I changed it in .bash_profile (didn't help). VirtualEnv does exist at that path. I also tried adding this path to the .profile $path, but that didn't help either, so I removed it.
On the HomeBrew Python page it seems to somewhat relate to this, but I am new to Python, and can't figure it out. Have spent some hours DuckDuckGo'ing with nothing gained.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Updated to reflect actual usage.
if your system does not providevirtualenv
command:First create your virtualenv folder:
You need run virtualenv's activate in shell:
This fixes PYTHONPATH and PATH. You do this once per each shell session. Then python command will magically work :)
Now run pip, packages will be installed in venv.
More info (disclaimer, I am the author)
The problem was that I had not added Python to the system $PATH.
At the end of the brew install it says (viewable by typing
brew info python
):So, simply had to open .profile and paste it in, and all packages work.
Much thanks to MistyM on the Brew IRC channel for pointing that out!
Quick work flow on creating a Virtual env
One you CD into your directory that's when you're creating your virtual venv folder to store your path.
You'll now it's active when you see the (venv)