How can I create static variables in Javascript?
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In JavaScript variables are static by default. Example:
The value of x is incremented by 1 every 1000 milliseconds
It will print 1,2,3 so forth
You might take advantage of the fact that JS functions are also objects -- which means they can have properties.
For instance, quoting the example given on the (now vanished) article Static variables in Javascript:
If you call that function several time, you'll see the counter is being incremented.
And this is probably a much better solution than poluting the global namespace with a global variable.
And here is another possible solution, based on a closure : Trick to use static variables in javascript :
Which gets you the same kind of result -- except, this time, the incremented value is returned, instead of displayed.
For private static variables, I found this way:
you can use arguments.callee to store "static" variables (this is useful in anonymous function too):
If you wanted to make a global static variable:
Replace the variable with the below:
Function's / classes allows only single constructor for its object scope.
Function Hoisting, declarations & expressions
Closures - closure's copies are function with preserved data.
ES5 Function Classes: uses Object.defineProperty ( O, P, Attributes )
Created some methods by using ``, So that every once can understand the function classes easily.
Below code snippet is to test about Each instance has their own copy of instance members and common static members.
ES6 Classes: ES2015 classes are a simple sugar over the prototype-based OO pattern. Having a single convenient declarative form makes class patterns easier to use, and encourages interoperability. Classes support prototype-based inheritance, super calls, instance and static methods and constructors.
Example: refer my previous post.