I want to have access to multiple/2 repos in one service using spring-data-solr. From Spring Data Solr multiple cores and repository I know 'multicore support via namespace config is unfortunately an open issue'.
Can you please help me with the following example, how can I create custom Repos?
My applicationContext.xml has two Solr Templates defined as below:
<!-- Enable Solr repositories and configure repository base package -->
<solr:repositories base-package="com.ay.api.repository"/>
<!-- Configures HTTP Solr server -->
<solr:solr-server id="solrServer" url="${solr.server.url}"/>
<!-- Configures Solr Events template -->
<bean id="solrEventsTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.SolrTemplate">
<qualifier type="solrEventsTemplate"/>
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="solrServer"/>
<constructor-arg index="1" value="${solr.server.events.core.name}"/>
<!-- Configures Solr Towns template -->
<bean id="solrTownsTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.solr.core.SolrTemplate">
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="solrServer"/>
<constructor-arg index="1" value="${solr.server.towns.core.name}"/>
and I have following repos
public class EventDocumentRepositoryImpl implements EventSearchRepository {
private SolrTemplate solrEventsTemplate;
public interface EventDocumentRepository extends EventSearchRepository, SolrCrudRepository<EventDocument, String> {
public interface EventSearchRepository { .... }
public class TownRepositoryImpl implements TownSearchRepository { ...
private SolrTemplate solrTownsTemplate;
public interface TownRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<TownDocument, String>{}
public interface TownSearchRepository { .... }
and lastly Service looks like following:
public class SearchEventServiceImpl implements SearchEventService {
private EventDocumentRepository eventRepository;
private TownRepository townRepository;
Can someone please advice how can I modify my code to Implement Custom repositories as mentioned in Spring Data Solr with Solr 4.1 multicores ? as I couldn't understand suggested solution in this thread.
Many thanks in Advance.
Repository scanning will look for
and create repository using provided template. As you need one template for each Solr core, you'll have to create both, template and repository manually.First create your repositories and custom implementations.
Do the same for your
.Using Java Config for configuration. Same can be done with XML.
when i did this as suggest in the answer, i got PersistenceExceptionTranslator exception, so i initialize this bean manually: