I am using MEF to do a sort of crude plugin architecture. This is working well. However, when I do a deployment using the visual studio package/publish build tasks (which I am calling via NAnt/MSbuild). My unreferenced plugin assemblies are not being included in the package and so are not deployed.
Is there a way to tell VS/MSBuild to include these DLLs?
They live in /bin/Extensions.
Cheers, Rob
Check out this answer here for one approach: Team Build 2010 - Third Party Assembly References not copying to output folder
I have found the answer in this blog post. It works perfectly: http://sedodream.com/2010/05/01/WebDeploymentToolMSDeployBuildPackageIncludingExtraFilesOrExcludingSpecificFiles.aspx
Basically here's the code I added to my project file.
By doing the above the assemblies are still physically where you had them originally (I assume a references folder) and when you build those are copied to the bin folder.