I have some json similar to the json below stored in a postgres json column. I'm trying query it to identify some incorrectly entered data. I'm basically looking for addresses where the house description is the same as the house number. I can't quite work out how to do it.
"timestamp": "2014-10-23T16:15:28+01:00",
"schools": [
"school_id": "1",
"addresses": [
"town": "Birmingham",
"house_description": "1",
"street_name": "Parklands",
"addr_id": "4",
"postcode": "B5 8KL",
"house_no": "1",
"address_type": "UK"
"town": "Plymouth",
"house_description": "Flat a",
"street_name": "Fore Street",
"addr_id": "2",
"postcode": "PL9 8AY",
"house_no": "15",
"address_type": "UK"
"school_id": "2",
"addresses": [
"town": "Coventry",
"street_name": "Shipley Way",
"addr_id": "19",
"postcode": "CV8 3DL",
"house_no": "662",
"address_type": "UK"
I have written this sql which will find where the data matches:
select *
FROM title_register_data
where address_data->'schools'->0->'addresses'->0->>'house_description'=
This obviously only works on the first address on the first school. Is there a way of querying all of the addresses of every school?
in lateral join as many times as the depth of a json array which elements you want to compare: