is there any sort of XY-Layout to Java?
So I can set a Button at the X and Y cordinate and that it is suppose to be that big etc.... Because this border layout and grid and panel thing is driven me crazy. :)
They are flowing every were and getting strecht up. And to make them small you have to put panel in panel in panel in panel ^^,
The reason components resize is so stuff looks nice whatever size the window is, so Swing discourages straight X-Y position. You might want to have a look at GroupLayout which is designed for GUI builders, and the page mentioned above describes using invisible components to absorb the stretches. eg:
SpringLayout might also be useful - see the visual guide
If you really want X and Y then set the layout manager to null, and use setLocation() or setBounds(). I REALLY REALLY wouldn't recommend this, but it does work. Have a read of this tutorial
If you really want to do this, use
on the component you're putting things into, then use
to set the absolute coordinates of the elements. Example:
However, the resulting GUI will look non-standard, won't be resizable, and if it's of any complexity, will be a pain to maintain.
I know that layouting is frustrating, but in the end you will be better off using a combination of BorderLayouts and FlowLayouts, orGridBagLayout - or an IDE interface builder like Eclipse's or Netbeans'.
This doesn't answer your specific question, but as well as agreeing with the other comments, have a look at MiG Layout. I have been equally frustrated with layouts as a Swing newbie, but this has helped a lot.
When setting the container's layout to null (no LayoutManager), you can set the component's bounds individually with component.setBounds(x,y,w,h).
Fixed layouts are in 99% of all cases bad UI design (if your labels, for example, don't get their preferred size you run into mayor problems when your application supports multiple languages), so my advice for you is to rather write a specialized layout manager for your specific needs.
Writing your custom layout manager is quite easy, all you have to do is to be able to calculate the preferred size for a container with given components and your layout, and to do the layout by setting the (calculated) bounds of your components. I got rid of the GridBagLayout and started coding my own layouts long ago, and layouting has never been easier.
Here's an example of a custom layout, that layouts pairs of key and value components:
Just set the layout and add alternatingly labels and value components. It's easy to use, especially compared to GridBagLayout or nested panels with custom layouts.