I am using pymongo to insert documents in the mongodb. here is code for router.py file
temp = db.admin_collection.find().sort( [("_id", -1)] ).limit(1)
for doc in temp:
admin_id = str(int(doc['_id']) + 1)
admin_doc ={
'_id' : admin_id,
'question' : ques,
'answer' : ans,
what should i do so that at every insert _id is incremented by 1.
If you want to manually change the "_id" value you can do this by changing the _id value in the returned document. You could do this in a similar manner to the way you have proposed in your question. However I do not think this approach is advisable.
It is generally not a good idea to manually make your own id's. These values have to be unique and there is no guarantee that str(int(document['_id']) + 1) will always be unique.
Instead if you want to duplicate the document you can delete the '_id' key and insert the document.
This inserts the document and allows mongo to generate the unique id.
It doesn’t seem like a very good idea, but if you really want to go through with it you can try setup like below.
It should work good enough in a low traffic application with single server, but I wouldn't try anything like this with replicated or sharded enviroment or if you perform large amount of inserts.
Create separate collection to handle id seqs:
Whenever you need to insert new document use something similar to this: