I want to do something like that with HQL:
FROM tableA a
INNER JOIN (select fieldA, sum(fieldB) as sum from tableB) b
ON a.fieldA = b.fieldA and a.fieldC = b.sum;
But this gives an error:
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: (...
There is any way to make this using HQL and Hibernate?
You can try to do such thing with HQL:
It should work similar to your sql. About your statement - as I know you cannot use inner view in HQL because it is object oriented.
Here is a good article about joins in HQL.
According to notes from user1495181 above query can be rewritten like (but I'm not sure):
But I prefer first variant because as for me it is more understandable (especially for peoples who used to work with native SQL).
try the native SQL solution approach:
need toimport this first:
then somewhere in your code:
more on this link
and HERE ( Joins in Hibernate Query Language)
You cannot define the join with on keyword. Hibernate know how to do the join based on your mapping. If you define a relation in the mapping between a and b than hibernate will do the join based on the relation that you defined. If you have relation between a and b than do inner join without using on and put the join criteria in the where clause