I want to get geocode from google, and I used to do it with the V2 of the API. Google send in the json a pretty good information, the accuracy, reference here : http://code.google.com/intl/fr-FR/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GGeoAddressAccuracy
In V3, Google doesn't seem to send me exactly the same information. There is the array "adresse_component", which seem bigger if the accuracy is better, but not exactly. For example, I have a request accuracy to the street number, the array is of size 8. Another query is accuracy to the route, so less accuracy, but the array is still of size 8, as there is a row 'sublocality', which not appear in the first case.
Ok, for a result, Google send a data 'types', which have the 'best' accuracy. This types are here : http://code.google.com/intl/fr-FR/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/#Types But, there is no real order, and if I wan't the result better than postal_code, I have no clue to how to do that.
So, how can I get this equivalent of the V2 accuracy, whithout some dumb and horrible code ?
With Google deprecating their Geocoding v2 API later this year, there's going to be a ton of people migrating their geocoding logic to v3 and this very question is going to crop up: How to map the 'location_type' string to an equivalent 'accuracy'?
Here's a decent mapping:
If something other than ROOFTOP is specified, use the area of 'northeast' and 'southwest' to decide if it is accurate enough for you.
Now what should happen if you don't get something "accurate"? Run a Google Places text search query for the same address. Google Places does geocoding as well and, with Billing enabled, you can get 10,000 Places text search queries per day (no rate limit) and Google claims they won't charge the card (they supposedly just use it for verifying the account). With Billing, you get 100,000 queries, but Places text search queries have a "cost" of 10 times the amount of a regular Places query, hence the aforementioned 10,000 limit. Places can be finicky though and you should only consider responses with one result.
Sometimes Places queries will not return a zipcode - especially if one isn't sent. If you need the zipcode, take the lat/lng results of the Places query and feed it back into the geocoder, which will usually spit out an address with a zipcode (and very frequently a ROOFTOP match).
It should be noted that the official Geocoding API courtesy limit is 2,500 requests per day with a rate limit of one per second per IP address. Therefore, following the above formula will likely decimate and may even halve the number of geocodings available to you.
If you need more than the Google Geocoding limit (who doesn't?), invent your own mini geocoding service with something like the OpenStreetMap database. Clone the parts of OpenStreetMap that you need and write your own geocoder (or use a library). Then you can geocode to your heart's content with no quantity limit or rate limit. If you still use Google Maps, you can use Google's geocoder as a fallback should the OSM geocoder not be accurate enough for all cases.
Alternatively, if you trust your users to not submit bogus data (really?) and have to use the Google geocoding service, you could also abuse a user's web browser by having the browser geocode information for you and then feed the results to your server. You might burn through the user's daily limit and you risk someone pushing bogus data, but if you are going to all that trouble, do you actually care?
At any rate, the tips above should suffice for interim usage for most users to get a working v3 API set up. Ran into this issue myself, so figured I'd share with the community a halfway decent solution. I still think v2 was the better API - integer accuracy ratings instead of ugly text strings always wins out.
Well, there is the location type, which is not so bad :
I test if the location_type is different of approximate, and it gives some good results.