Below is the code snippet to examine the memory
public class TestFreeMemory {
public static void main(String ... args){
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
System.out.println("Free Memory (Before GC): " + rt.freeMemory());
System.out.println("Free Memory (After GC1): " + rt.freeMemory());
rt.gc(); // Second time to ensure results are consistent
// MAY BE has collected all non-reachable objects
System.out.println("Free Memory (After GC2): " + rt.freeMemory());
String s = new String("abcd");
Integer i = new Integer(12345);
System.out.println("Free Memory (After String Creation): " + rt.freeMemory());
// Why is freeMemory not reflecting the memory consumed by two objects
and the output is
Free Memory (Before GC): 1859672
Free Memory (After GC1): 1911768
Free Memory (After GC2): 1911768
Free Memory (After String Creation): 1911768
Why is freeMemory not reflecting the memory consumed by two objects ?
To be more clear, the question is about getMemory() call not showing up expected result even though two objects are created and not related to GC. Two GC calls are made just to try to make sure the numbers of getMemory() call are correct.. and BTW, there's no GC call after objects are created.. so pls Note that i am not trying for a GC after objects are created ..
Try to allocate more memory and you will see an increase. I guess java preallocates at least enough bytes (how smart!) to hold your strings OR they were in the string pool already.
Memory Management on HotSpot JVM:
Memory Management in HotSpot JVM (PDF Format).
This behavior can be very dependent on the particular implementation of the garbage collection. For example:
I've made this sample (with abusive String concatenation to use up more memory):
If I use a relatively small number of iterations in the loop (say 10), the extra space does not show up in
, and I'd get something like this:The GC does not free memory when you call it, but when more memory is needed.
It's a good question since you are expecting an INCREASE in memory usage to be reflected it seems a logical test. You can assume this behaviour is because the Heap management and garbage collection system is somewhat more complex that a simple Free vs Allocated boundary. Allocation is probably done in chunks much bigger than your one String + one Integer and so free memory is likely to be counted by summing up free chunks.