(As new laravel user) I'm trying to build a ajax call url through the laravel URL::class:
$.ajax( {
url: '{{ URL::route('getUser', ['3']) }}',
success: function(results) {
Route::get('admin/getUser/{user_id}', array(
'as' => 'getUser',
'uses' => 'AdminController@getUser'
Instead of the hard coded 3
this parameter should come from jquery (e.g. $(this).attr('user_id')
Can someone tell me how to create the URL dynamically?
It seems that because of the route definition the URL::route
function needs the parameter hardcoded or as a php varaible.
I hope this is +/- clear...
Thanks for help anyway!
You could keep the url clean and pass the variable as data in your ajax call.
This way you won't have to create ajax calls for every possible user ID. Something both other current solutions also offer.
Disclaimer: Colleague of asker with absolutely no experience in Laravel :/
I've been using URL::to() for my Ajax calls. I've had problems to. But if you do use URL::to() you would be able to use javascript variables. try this:
Hope this helps, I'm new too. if you find a better way to do this awesome, let me know ;)
Because PHP actually handles the file before passing it to the browser it may be indeed impossible to dynamically use a php variable directly, but theres a way around it. This may work ONLY if you havent type-casted your route parameter
to a certain definition.What we've done here is to create a placeholder in our URL generated from a route so we'll probably have a URL like
after PHP has finished processing. We then use jQuery to replace the placeholder to our actual dynamic value.