I have written a query that counts records hour by hour:
select TO_CHAR(copied_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24'),count(*) from req group by
TO_CHAR(copied_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24');
the result is:
2012-02-22 13 2280
2012-02-22 15 1250
2012-02-22 16 1245
2012-02-22 19 1258
But I need a result like this:
2012-02-22 13 2280
2012-02-22 14 0
2012-02-22 15 1250
2012-02-22 16 1245
2012-02-22 17 0
2012-02-22 18 0
2012-02-22 19 1258
Also I have these queries that group by day and month too!
select TO_CHAR(copied_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD'),count(*) from req
group by TO_CHAR(copied_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
select TO_CHAR(copied_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM'),count(*) from req
group by TO_CHAR(copied_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM');
I need their gaps to be filled with zero or null too. Any help is really appreciated.
There is an answer for this question in oracle using CONNECT BY
but i need the answer in Mysql because Mysql does not support CONNECT BY
Here is the link
Generate a single-column
table which contains all dates and hours within a reasonable range (e.g. from 1900 to 2200). Then do aLEFT JOIN
from this table to your current query.For this technique to perform correctly, you will probably need to add an indexed column to your table which contains a converted time stamp (your
converted toDATETIME
, rounded to the hour)To generate the
table:Okay, now that I am proof-reading myself, I realise this is quite far-fetched a solution. I hope someone comes up with a more elegant one.
I created a table called TBL_NUMBERS
and inserted records from 1 to 1000. Now I can generate any kind of date range using this query:
Then I can join this table with my results to fill the date gap. If i need more than 1000 date range I can insert more records in
If you have any better idea, I'm eager to know that ;)