get OWL restrictions on classes using Jena

2019-02-10 07:45发布

Using the pizza ontology, I want to be able to look up all the toppings for American pizza. If I open the ontology in Protégé, I can see that American pizza has the following restrictions:

hasTopping some MozerellaTopping
hasTopping some TomatoTopping

How can I get the same information programatically through Jena?

标签: java rdf jena owl
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2楼-- · 2019-02-10 08:19

Here's my solution. I've just printed out the strings you ask for, but hopefully you can see from this how to use the Jena OntAPI to traverse an ontology graph and pick out the things you're interested in.

package examples;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource;

public class PizzaExample
    /* Constants                       */
    public static String BASE = "";
    public static String NS = BASE + "#";

    /* External signature methods      */

    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        new PizzaExample().run();

    public void run() {
        OntModel m = getPizzaOntology();
        OntClass american = m.getOntClass( NS + "American" );

        for (Iterator<OntClass> supers = american.listSuperClasses(); supers.hasNext(); ) {
            displayType( );

    /* Internal implementation methods */

    protected OntModel getPizzaOntology() {
        OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM ); BASE );
        return m;

    protected void displayType( OntClass sup ) {
        if (sup.isRestriction()) {
            displayRestriction( sup.asRestriction() );

    protected void displayRestriction( Restriction sup ) {
        if (sup.isAllValuesFromRestriction()) {
            displayRestriction( "all", sup.getOnProperty(), sup.asAllValuesFromRestriction().getAllValuesFrom() );
        else if (sup.isSomeValuesFromRestriction()) {
            displayRestriction( "some", sup.getOnProperty(), sup.asSomeValuesFromRestriction().getSomeValuesFrom() );

    protected void displayRestriction( String qualifier, OntProperty onP, Resource constraint ) {
        String out = String.format( "%s %s %s",
                                    qualifier, renderURI( onP ), renderConstraint( constraint ) );
        System.out.println( "american pizza: " + out );

    protected Object renderConstraint( Resource constraint ) {
        if (constraint.canAs( UnionClass.class )) {
            UnionClass uc = UnionClass.class );
            // this would be so much easier in ruby ...
            String r = "union{ ";
            for (Iterator<? extends OntClass> i = uc.listOperands(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                r = r + " " + renderURI( );
            return r + "}";
        else {
            return renderURI( constraint );

    protected Object renderURI( Resource onP ) {
        String qName = onP.getModel().qnameFor( onP.getURI() );
        return qName == null ? onP.getLocalName() : qName;

Which produces the following output:

american pizza: some pizza:hasTopping pizza:MozzarellaTopping
american pizza: some pizza:hasTopping pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping
american pizza: some pizza:hasTopping pizza:TomatoTopping
american pizza: all pizza:hasTopping union{  pizza:MozzarellaTopping pizza:TomatoTopping pizza:PeperoniSausageTopping}
3楼-- · 2019-02-10 08:44

Now (with Apache-jena 3.x.x) there is one possible problem with org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel and pizza.owl in that Jena-Ont-API supports OWL-1 only, while pizza is OWL-2 ontology. Though, for the example above it doesn't matter ('Existential Quantification' restrictions looks identically both for OWL1 and OWL2), in general case you can't use OntModel for processing ontology just as easily. As an option there is an OntModel-alternative called ru.avicomp.ontapi.jena.model.OntGraphModel from ont-api. It is based on the same principles as jena OntModel. Maybe it would be helpful for someone.

An example of usage (getting only object-some-values-from restrictions):

    String uri = "";
    String ns = uri + "#";

    OntGraphModel m = ru.avicomp.ontapi.jena.OntModelFactory.createModel();
    try (InputStream in = ExamplePizza.class.getResourceAsStream("/pizza.ttl")) {, uri, "ttl");
    ru.avicomp.ontapi.jena.model.OntClass clazz = m.getOntEntity(OntClass.class, ns + "American");
    OntNOP prop = m.getOntEntity(OntNOP.class, ns + "hasTopping");
            .filter(c -> c.canAs(OntCE.ObjectSomeValuesFrom.class))
            .map(c ->
            .filter(c -> prop.equals(c.getOnProperty()))

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