Quicksort with Python

2019-01-03 12:34发布

I am totally new to python and I am trying to implement quicksort in it. Could someone please help me complete my code?

I do not know how to concatenate the three arrays and printing them.

def sort(array=[12,4,5,6,7,3,1,15]):
    less = []
    equal = []
    greater = []

    if len(array) > 1:
        pivot = array[0]
        for x in array:
            if x < pivot:
            if x == pivot:
            if x > pivot:

We Are One
2楼-- · 2019-01-03 12:49

The algorithm has 4 simple steps:

  1. Divide the array into 3 different parts: left, pivot and right, where pivot will have only one element. Let us choose this pivot element as the first element of array
  2. Append elements to the respective part by comparing them to pivot element. (explanation in comments)
  3. Recurse this algorithm till all elements in the array have been sorted
  4. Finally, join left+pivot+right parts

Code for the algorithm in python:

def my_sort(A):

      p=A[0]                                       #determine pivot element. 
      left=[]                                      #create left array
      right=[]                                     #create right array
      for i in range(1,len(A)):
        #if cur elem is less than pivot, add elem in left array
        if A[i]< p:
          #the recurssion will occur only if the left array is atleast half the size of original array
          if len(left)>1 and len(left)>=len(A)//2:          
              left=my_sort(left)                            #recursive call
        elif A[i]>p: 
          right.append(A[i])                                #if elem is greater than pivot, append it to right array
          if len(right)>1 and len(right)>=len(A)//2:        # recurssion will occur only if length of right array is atleast the size of original array
     A=left+[p]+right                                        #append all three part of the array into one and return it
     return A


Carry on with this algorithm recursively with the left and right parts.

3楼-- · 2019-01-03 12:50
  1. First we declare the first value in the array to be the pivot_value and we also set the left and right marks
  2. We create the first while loop, this while loop is there to tell the partition process to run again if it doesn't satisfy the necessary condition
  3. then we apply the partition process
  4. after both partition processes have ran, we check to see if it satisfies the proper condition. If it does, we mark it as done, if not we switch the left and right values and apply it again
  5. Once its done switch the left and right values and return the split_point

I am attaching the code below! This quicksort is a great learning tool because of the Location of the pivot value. Since it is in a constant place, you can walk through it multiple times and really get a hang of how it all works. In practice it is best to randomize the pivot to avoid O(N^2) runtime.

def quicksort10(alist):
    quicksort_helper10(alist, 0, len(alist)-1)

def quicksort_helper10(alist, first, last):
    """  """
    if first < last:
        split_point = partition10(alist, first, last)
        quicksort_helper10(alist, first, split_point - 1)
        quicksort_helper10(alist, split_point + 1, last)

def partition10(alist, first, last):
    done = False
    pivot_value = alist[first]
    leftmark = first + 1
    rightmark = last
    while not done:
        while leftmark <= rightmark and alist[leftmark] <= pivot_value:
            leftmark = leftmark + 1
        while leftmark <= rightmark and alist[rightmark] >= pivot_value:
            rightmark = rightmark - 1

        if leftmark > rightmark:
            done = True
            temp = alist[leftmark]
            alist[leftmark] = alist[rightmark]
            alist[rightmark] = temp
    temp = alist[first]
    alist[first] = alist[rightmark]
    alist[rightmark] = temp
    return rightmark
4楼-- · 2019-01-03 12:53

functional approach:

def qsort(list):
    if len(list) < 2:
        return list

    pivot = list.pop()
    left = filter(lambda x: x <= pivot, list)
    right = filter(lambda x: x > pivot, list)

    return qsort(left) + [pivot] + qsort(right)
5楼-- · 2019-01-03 12:53
def quicksort(items):
    if not len(items) > 1:
        return items
    items, pivot = partition(items)
    return quicksort(items[:pivot]) + [items[pivot]] + quicksort(items[pivot + 1:])

def partition(items):
    i = 1
    pivot = 0
    for j in range(1, len(items)):
        if items[j] <= items[pivot]:
            items[i], items[j] = items[j], items[i]
            i += 1
    items[i - 1], items[pivot] = items[pivot], items[i - 1]
    return items, i - 1
6楼-- · 2019-01-03 12:54

Another quicksort implementation:

# A = Array 
# s = start index
# e = end index
# p = pivot index
# g = greater than pivot boundary index

def swap(A,i1,i2):
  A[i1], A[i2] = A[i2], A[i1]

def partition(A,g,p):
    # O(n) - just one for loop that visits each element once
    for j in range(g,p):
      if A[j] <= A[p]:
        g += 1

    return g

def _quicksort(A,s,e):
    # Base case - we are sorting an array of size 1
    if s >= e:

    # Partition current array
    p = partition(A,s,e)
    _quicksort(A,s,p-1) # Left side of pivot
    _quicksort(A,p+1,e) # Right side of pivot

# Wrapper function for the recursive one
def quicksort(A):

A = [3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5,8,9,7,9,3,2,3,-1]

7楼-- · 2019-01-03 12:54
def quick_sort(self, nums):
    def helper(arr):
        if len(arr) <= 1: return arr
        #lwall is the index of the first element euqal to pivot
        #rwall is the index of the first element greater than pivot
        #so arr[lwall:rwall] is exactly the middle part equal to pivot after one round
        lwall, rwall, pivot = 0, 0, 0
        #choose rightmost as pivot
        pivot = arr[-1]
        for i, e in enumerate(arr):
            if e < pivot:
                #when element is less than pivot, shift the whole middle part to the right by 1
                arr[i], arr[lwall] = arr[lwall], arr[i]
                lwall += 1
                arr[i], arr[rwall] = arr[rwall], arr[i]
                rwall += 1
            elif e == pivot:
                #when element equals to pivot, middle part should increase by 1
                arr[i], arr[rwall] = arr[rwall], arr[i]
                rwall += 1
            elif e > pivot: continue
        return helper(arr[:lwall]) + arr[lwall:rwall] + helper(arr[rwall:])
    return helper(nums)
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