I'm probably misunderstanding exactly how this works, but what's the best way to accomplish this? I have something in mind but it seems quite hacky.
I have a set of sample data which I use to test my application. This is seeded via the built in seeder in Laravel. This contains things like example users, addresses, documents etc.
I also have a set of default data which should go in production. I currently add this directly in the migration. For example, if I was adding a table for account_roles, I might include the following at the bottom of the migration
$account_admin = array('role' => 'Account Administrator', 'flag' => 'ACCOUNT_ADMIN');
$account_owner = array('role' => 'Account Administrator', 'flag' => 'ACCOUNT_OWNER');
This way, on production, I just migrate the database to insert any production ready database values, and on staging/development, I can refresh the migrations and then seed the database with sample data.
Is there any other (better) way to do this?
You could run a check on the current environment in your seeder file, and seed as needed