Is there a way to compress an image (mostly jpeg, png and gif) directly browser-side, before uploading it ? I'm pretty sure JavaScript can do this, but I can't find a way to achieve it.
Here's the full scenario I would like to implement:
- the user goes to my website, and choose an image via an
input type="file"
element, - this image is retrieved via JavaScript, we do some verification such as correct file format, maximum file size etc,
- if every thing is OK, a preview of the image is displayed on the page,
- the user can do some basic operations such as rotate the image by 90°/-90°, crop it following a pre-defined ratio, etc, or the user can upload another image and return to step 1,
- when the user is satisfied, the edited image is then compressed and "saved" locally (not saved to a file, but in the browser memory/page),-
- the user fill a form with data like name, age etc,
- the user click on the "Finish" button, then the form containing datas + compressed image is sent to the server (without AJAX),
The full process up to the last step should be done client side, and should be compatible on latest Chrome and Firefox, Safari 5+ and IE 8+. If possible, only JavaScript should be used (but I'm pretty sure this is not possible).
I've not code anything right now, but I've thought about it already. File reading locally is possible via File API, image previewing and editing could be done using Canvas element, but I can't find a way to do the image compression part.
According to and, supporting those browser is quite hard (thanks to IE), but could be done using polyfill such as FlashCanvas and FileReader.
Actually, the goal is to reduce file size, so I see image compression as a solution. But, I know that uploaded images are going to be displayed on my website, every time at the same place, and I know the dimension of this display area (eg. 200x400). So, I could resize the image to fit those dimensions, thus reducing file size. I have no idea what would be the compression ratio for this technique.
What do you think ? Do you have any advice to tell me ? Do you know any way to compress an image browser-side in JavaScript ? Thanks for your replies.
@PsychoWoods' answer is good. I would like to offer my own solution. This Javascript function takes an image data URL and a width, scales it to the new width, and returns a new data URL.
This code can be used anywhere you have a data URL and want a data URL for a downscaled image.
I see two things missing from the other answers:
(when available) is more performant thancanvas.toDataURL
, and also async.The following script deals with both points:
Example usage:
You can take a look at image-conversion,Try it here --> demo page
some methoss to process images
For JPG Image compression you can use the best compression technique called JIC (Javascript Image Compression)This will definitely help you -->
Edit: As per the Mr Me comment on this answer, it looks like compression is now available for JPG/WebP formats ( see ).
As far as I know, you cannot compress images using canvas, instead, you can resize it. Using canvas.toDataURL will not let you choose the compression ratio to use. You can take a look at canimage that does exactly what you want :
In fact, it's often sufficient to just resize the image to decrease it's size but if you want to go further, you'll have to use newly introduced method file.readAsArrayBuffer to get a buffer containing the image data.
Then, just use a DataView to read it's content according to the image format specification ( or
It'll be hard to deal with image data compression, but it is worse a try. On the other hand, you can try to delete the PNG headers or the JPEG exif data to make your image smaller, it should be easier to do so.
You'll have to create another DataWiew on another buffer and fill it with the filtered image content. Then, you'll just have to encode you're image content to DataURI using window.btoa.
Let me know if you implement something similar, will be interesting to go through the code.
In short:
Source: code.