I am running to the problem with using Droid X's Files app and Astro file manager to select an image file. This two apps return the selected image with the scheme "file://" while Gallery returns the image with the scheme "content://". How do I convert the first schema to the second. Or how do I decode the image with the second format?
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Here, the problem is that, for all files we can't have a content Uri (content://). Because content uri is for those files which are part of
. Eg: images, audio & video.However, for supported files, we can find its absolute path. Like for images as follows-
The generic method is as follows.
Use ContentResolver.openInputStream() or related methods to access the byte stream. You shouldn't generally be worrying about whether it is a file: or content: URI.
You probably want to convert content:// to file://
For gallery images, try something like this: