I'm building an Android app and I want to copy the text value of an EditText widget. It's possible for the user to press Menu+A
then Menu+C
to copy the value, but how would I do this programmatically?
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To enable the standard copy/paste for TextView, U can choose one of the following:
Change in layout file: add below property to your TextView
In your Java class write this line two set the grammatically.
And long press on the TextView you can see copy/paste action bar.
Googling brings you to android.content.ClipboardManager and you could decide, as I did, that Clipboard is not available on API < 11, because the documentation page says "Since: API Level 11".
There are actually two classes, second one extending the first - android.text.ClipboardManager and android.content.ClipboardManager.
android.text.ClipboardManager is existing since API 1, but it works only with text content.
android.content.ClipboardManager is the preferred way to work with clipboard, but it's not available on API Level < 11 (Honeycomb).
To get any of them you need the following code:
But for API < 11 you have to import
and for API >= 11android.content.ClipboardManager
And import
import android.content.ClipboardManager;