How can I take a screenshot of a selected area of phone-screen not by any program but from code?
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EDIT: have mercy with the downvotes. It was true in 2010 when I answered the question.
All the programs which allow screenshots work only on rooted phones.
Mualig answer is very good, but I had the same problem Ewoks describes, I'm not getting the background. So sometimes is good enough and sometimes I get black text over black background (depending on the theme).
This solution is heavily based in Mualig code and the code I've found in Robotium. I'm discarding the use of drawing cache by calling directly to the draw method. Before that I'll try to get the background drawable from current activity to draw it first.
My solution is:
Images are saved in the external storage folder.
Short way is
Note: works only for rooted phone
Programmatically, you can run
adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/img.png
as belowthen read
and use as your wish.Along with capturing screenshot,if we want to play the tone also.We can use following code