I have got a python script which is creating an ODBC connection. The ODBC connection is generated with a connection string. In this connection string I have to include the username and password for this connection.
Is there an easy way to obscure this password in the file (just that nobody can read the password when I'm editing the file) ?
How about importing the username and password from a file external to the script? That way even if someone got hold of the script, they wouldn't automatically get the password.
More homegrown appraoch rather than converting authentication / passwords / username to encrytpted details. FTPLIB is just the example. "pass.csv" is the csv file name
Save password in CSV like below :
(With no column heading)
Reading the CSV and saving it to a list.
Using List elelments as authetntication details.
Full code.
This doesn't precisely answer your question, but it's related. I was going to add as a comment but wasn't allowed. I've been dealing with this same issue, and we have decided to expose the script to the users using Jenkins. This allows us to store the db credentials in a separate file that is encrypted and secured on a server and not accessible to non-admins. It also allows us a bit of a shortcut to creating a UI, and throttling execution.
Your operating system probably provides facilities for encrypting data securely. For instance, on Windows there is DPAPI (data protection API). Why not ask the user for their credentials the first time you run then squirrel them away encrypted for subsequent runs?
This is a pretty common problem. Typically the best you can do is to either
A) create some kind of ceasar cipher function to encode/decode (just not rot13) or B) the preferred method is to use an encryption key, within reach of your program, encode/decode the password. In which you can use file protection to protect access the key. Along those lines if your app runs as a service/daemon (like a webserver) you can put your key into a password protected keystore with the password input as part of the service startup. It'll take an admin to restart your app, but you will have really good pretection for your configuration passwords.
If you are working on a Unix system, take advantage of the netrc module in the standard Python library. It reads passwords from a separate text file (.netrc), which has the format decribed here.
Here is a small usage example: