I have got a python script which is creating an ODBC connection. The ODBC connection is generated with a connection string. In this connection string I have to include the username and password for this connection.
Is there an easy way to obscure this password in the file (just that nobody can read the password when I'm editing the file) ?
Here is a simple method:
This should be a bit more secure than base64 decoding - although it is vulnerable to a py_to_pyc decompiler.
Douglas F Shearer's is the generally approved solution in Unix when you need to specify a password for a remote login.
You add a --password-from-file option to specify the path and read plaintext from a file.
The file can then be in the user's own area protected by the operating system. It also allows different users to automatically pick up their own own file.
For passwords that the user of the script isn't allowed to know - you can run the script with elavated permission and have the password file owned by that root/admin user.
Place the configuration information in a encrypted config file. Query this info in your code using an key. Place this key in a separate file per environment, and don't store it with your code.
base64 is the way to go for your simple needs. There is no need to import anything:
If running on Windows, you could consider using win32crypt library. It allows storage and retrieval of protected data (keys, passwords) by the user that is running the script, thus passwords are never stored in clear text or obfuscated format in your code. I am not sure if there is an equivalent implementation for other platforms, so with the strict use of win32crypt your code is not portable.
I believe the module can be obtained here: http://timgolden.me.uk/pywin32-docs/win32crypt.html
The best solution, assuming the username and password can't be given at runtime by the user, is probably a separate source file containing only variable initialization for the username and password that is imported into your main code. This file would only need editing when the credentials change. Otherwise, if you're only worried about shoulder surfers with average memories, base 64 encoding is probably the easiest solution. ROT13 is just too easy to decode manually, isn't case sensitive and retains too much meaning in it's encrypted state. Encode your password and user id outside the python script. Have he script decode at runtime for use.
Giving scripts credentials for automated tasks is always a risky proposal. Your script should have its own credentials and the account it uses should have no access other than exactly what is necessary. At least the password should be long and rather random.