I want to have a simple column header with a checkbox that selects/ deselects all rows in a QTableView. Clicking the check box in the header causes either to select or deselect all rows.
When I want to add a check box in a table cell, I have to just return the check state for the Qt::CheckStateRole in the data(..) for the required model indices as below. This is working as expected.
QVariant MyModel::data( const QModelIndex & rIndex, int iRole) const
if (iRole == Qt::Qt::CheckStateRole)
return checkstate;
But when I want to add a checkbox in a header cell, the above method is not working. Hear is my sample code.
QVariant MyModel::headerData( int iSection, Qt::Orientation eOrientation, int iRole) const
if (iRole == Qt::CheckStateRole)
return checkstate;
The QTableView does not call headerData() function in my model with the Qt::CheckStateRole, as it does with data() function.
Why is this behavior? How can I insert a check box in a header cell by only modifying my custom table model?
(I do not want to create a custom QTableView or QHeaderView for this purpose)
I am surprised such a hacky solution is recommend and used.
First: The check state should be stored in the model. All the tools are already there.
Second: We toggle checked state simply by handling the click signal on the header.
Third: At this point we have fully functional checking behavior, only part missing is the visualization. The smartest way to go is to again use the model, taking advantage of the
. Here is a dummy implementation:Of course, one can draw a real checkbox there using the styled drawing.
Notice, this solution does not require sub-classing and custom widgets.
Also, the check state is decoupled from the view/UI. The only downside is fact the visuals are handled by the model, but this is optional - any way can be used to draw the check state, the one from the alternative answers included.
Here is a bit modified/fixed (checkbox was displayed as disabled and redrawing didn't work) code from the link in the accepted answer.
You cannot do it - Qt doesn't support check boxes in headers by default. You can read https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_project_org_faq#How_can_I_insert_a_checkbox_into_the_header_of_my_view.3F for further information and its realization using custom