I am trying to write an app that does something specific when it is brought back to the foreground after some amount of time. Is there a way to detect when an app is sent to the background or brought to the foreground?
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i know its a little late but i think all these answers do have some problems while i did it like below and that works perfect.
create a activity life cycle callback like this:
and just register it on your application class like below:
Here's how I've managed to solve this. It works on the premise that using a time reference between activity transitions will most likely provide adequate evidence that an app has been "backgrounded" or not.
First, I've used an android.app.Application instance (let's call it MyApplication) which has a Timer, a TimerTask, a constant to represent the maximum number of milliseconds that the transition from one activity to another could reasonably take (I went with a value of 2s), and a boolean to indicate whether or not the app was "in the background":
The application also provides two methods for starting and stopping the timer/task:
The last piece of this solution is to add a call to each of these methods from the onResume() and onPause() events of all activities or, preferably, in a base Activity from which all of your concrete Activities inherit:
So in the case when the user is simply navigating between the activities of your app, the onPause() of the departing activity starts the timer, but almost immediately the new activity being entered cancels the timer before it can reach the max transition time. And so wasInBackground would be false.
On the other hand when an Activity comes to the foreground from the Launcher, device wake up, end phone call, etc., more than likely the timer task executed prior to this event, and thus wasInBackground was set to true.
In your Application add the callback and check for root activity in a way like this:
We use this method. It looks too simple to work, but it was well-tested in our app and in fact works surprisingly well in all cases, including going to home screen by "home" button, by "return" button, or after screen lock. Give it a try.
Idea is, when in foreground, Android always starts new activity just before stopping previous one. That's not guaranteed, but that's how it works. BTW, Flurry seems to use the same logic (just a guess, I didn't check that, but it hooks at the same events).
Edit: as per comments, we also moved to onStart() in later versions of the code. Also, I'm adding super calls, which were missing from my initial post, because this was more of a concept than a working code.
I have created a project on Github app-foreground-background-listen
Create a BaseActivity for all Activity in your application.
Now use this BaseActivity as a super class of all your Activity like MainActivity extends BaseActivity and onAppStart will be called when you start your application and onAppPause() will be called when the application goes the background from any screen.
I was using this with Google Analytics EasyTracker, and it worked. It could be extended to do what you seek using a simple integer.