I'm trying to write git pre-commit hook script, it should write date of commit at the begining of modified files. My problem is that i can't add modified files to previous commit. When i trying invoke git commit again it runs recursive. How i can write script, which append time of modification at the end of modified files?
My code:
files_modified=`git diff-index --name-only HEAD`
for f in $files_modified; do
if [[ $f == *.groovy ]]; then
$line = $(head -1 f)
if [[ $line == "/%%*" ]];
sed -i 1d
echo "/%% " + $(date +"%m_%d_%Y") + " %%\\" >> f
git add f
git commit --amend #recursive
May be git attribute with smudge/clean operation is what you are looking for:
Related: use git smudge/clean to replace file contents
You cannot amend a commit in a pre commit hook.
And what you are doing is similar to the keyword expansion mechanism, which is not a best practice with Git (or any DVCS), as explained in "To put the prefix
to codes by Git/Svn".Other approaches include:
See for instance "Expanding Git SHA1 information into a checkin without archiving?".
See "Adding Git notes to a blob".
Looking at your pre-commit hook, you almost had something that sorta-worked. Here's the minimal changes that I see being required:
However, I notice several issues with your implementation. You will remove a line matching "/%%*" from the top of the file and append a new one to the bottom. Each time you run this, you'll be forever appending a new
/%% mm_dd_YYYY %%\
line to the end of the file. That may not be what you want (1000 commits later, a previously-empty file will have 1000 lines). I think what you meant to do was replace the existing line. In which case a sed translation to replace matching lines would work.Here's a recipe that I think gets closer to what you wanted:
If the first line of the file matches
/%% ... %%\
then it is updated with the current date/time (at the time of pre-commit hook).However, that was just to illustrate how it could be done simply. That is actually not a complete solution. The above script won't work with files that contain spaces in their name, double-quotes, backslashes, tabs, etc.
For a complete solution:
Use the following pre-commit hook:
Create ".filters/myfilter" with the following content:
The above implementation can handle any filename you throw at it.