This question is similar to this one: Zoom in on a point (using scale and translate) or even this one: Image zoom centered on mouse position but I don't want to do it on a canvas but a normal image (or rather the container div of the image). So zooming should be as google maps. I am actually hacking/enhancing iDangerous Swiper zoom (, and that is my starting point, and this is is what I got so far:
Zoom only with the mouse wheel. The first time you zoom in it zooms perfectly, but I can't figure out how to calculate every zoom after first one.
Here's my code: JS:
$("#slideContainer").on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", function (e) {
var delta = || e.originalEvent.wheelDelta;
var zoomOut;
if (delta === undefined) {
//we are on firefox
delta = e.originalEvent.detail;
zoomOut = delta ? delta < 0 : e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0;
zoomOut = !zoomOut;
} else {
zoomOut = delta ? delta < 0 : e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0;
var touchX = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
var touchY = e.type === 'touchend' ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
var scale = 1, translateX, translateY;
//we are zooming out
//not interested in this yet
//we are zooming in
scale = scale + 0.5;
var dimensionMultiplier = scale - 0.5;//when image is scaled up offsetWidth/offsetHeight doesn't take this into account so we must multiply by scale to get the correct width/height
var slideWidth = $("#slide")[0].offsetWidth * dimensionMultiplier;
var slideHeight = $("#slide")[0].offsetHeight * dimensionMultiplier;
var offsetX = $("#slide").offset().left;//distance from the left of the viewport to the slide
var offsetY = $("#slide").offset().top;//distance from the top of the viewport to the slide
var diffX = offsetX + slideWidth / 2 - touchX;//this is distance from the mouse to the center of the image
var diffY = offsetY + slideHeight / 2 - touchY;//this is distance from the mouse to the center of the image
//how much to translate by x and y so that poin on image is alway under the mouse
//we must multiply by 0.5 because the difference between previous and current scale is always 0.5
translateX = ((diffX) * (0.5));
translateY = ((diffY) * (0.5));
$("#slide").css("transform", 'translate3d(' + translateX + 'px, ' + translateY + 'px,0) scale(' + scale + ')').css('transition-duration', '300ms');
<div id="slideContainer">
<div id="slide">
<img src=""></img>
I also figured out if I subtract previous translateX and translateY values from the current ones, I can zoom on the same point as much as I want and it will zoom perfectly, but if I zoom on one point and then change the mouse position and zoom in again, it will no longer zoom as it's supposed to. Example:
If I change mouse position, and calculate the X and Y difference between old and new mouse position and add that into the diff calculation it will zoom correctly the second time. But the third time looks like that difference still gets subtracted from the total calculation and this will cause the translate to move the image away again, after that if we hold the mouse in the same position it will zoom correctly again. So I figured I'll just add the difference between old and new mouse position every time I calculate the new "diff", and this kind of works, there is no longer a jump like it was when I stopped adding the mouse position difference, but it's still not zooming on the same position, with each new zoom it moves (offsets) the image by a small amount. I figure this is because there is a new zoom value each time, but the offset is not linear, it's everytime smaller approaching zero, and I can't figure out how to offset the offset. Here is the new example: New image in the example: old one is no longer available:
You were close to it, however it's better to store the x,y and scale separately and calculate the transforms based on those values. It makes things alot easier + saves resources (no need to lookup the dom properties over and over),
I've put the code into a nice module:
Use it by calling
The parameters are:
JSFiddle here
What about using
, to handle the 3d transformations, instead of usingscale
? Also, decoupling zoom from translation makes it simpler.I think this will get you a little closer to what you are trying to achieve.
Key Changes
to be centered on your mouse (unless you want to keep it centered which is the default)The code I use to zoom in at the mouse position is below. It does not use
but readjusts the position of the image within the div and adjusts itsheight