The default style for the Android TabHost works fine for straight Android systems. However, on HTC Sense, they use dark text on a dark background, which is unreadable.
What's the easiest way to have a TabHost that has visible text across all the various flavors of android skins? I would prefer to not have to make a completely custom look-and-feel if possible.
My targetSDK is 10 and my minSDK is 7.
I'll give you the advise to get completely independent from the TabWidget and create your own Navigation, which you can customize however you want and don't bother with the stiff TabWidget. I don't mean to throw away the awesome TabHost, because it's easy to use the TabHost with a custom navigation:
First set your TabWidget as gone:
And then create you own navigation in place of it. You could also create a menu (with the hardware menu button) or something like this:
What you have to do in code now:
The whole indicator stuff is not needed btw.^^ In your ActivityGroups you have to set the appropriate Activities, etc. You know the stuff.
You can use anything for your navigation and can still use the advantages of a TabHost. Just don't bother with that TabWidget anymore. ;)
After some research I think the best option would be to use ActionBar's tabbed interface since it looks much more easier to style. The ActionBarSherlock provides compatibility layer for ActionBar for devices starting from Android 1.6. Here you can look at examples on what you can get using the library.