I recently finished implementing a Binary search tree for a project I was working on. It went well and I learned a lot. However, now I need to implement a regular Binary Tree... which for some reason has me stumped.
I'm looking for a way to do my InsertNode function..
normally in a BST you just check if data < root then insert left and vice versa. However, In a normal Binary tree, it is just filled from left to right, one level at a time..
could anyone help me implement a function that just adds a new Node to the Binary tree from left to right in no specific order?
Here's my Insert for a BST:
void Insert(Node *& root, int data)
if(root == nullptr)
Node * NN = new Node;
root = NN;
if(data < root->data)
Insert(root->left, data);
Insert(root->right, data);
I took bknopper code, modified a little bit and translated to C++. As he stated, surprisingly, this is not well documented.
Here is the node structure and the insert function:
You call it this way:
inserta(&root, val);
Being root a pointer to node struct and val the integer value you want to insert.
Hope it helps someone.
Javascript implementation (copy-paste ready for your web console):
ES6 implementation (newer javscript syntax with class keyword)
Pseudoclassical pattern implementation
I am aware of the fact that this is a question posted some time ago, but I still wanted to share my thoughts on it.
What I would do (since this indeed is not very well documented) is use a Breadth-First-Search (using a queue) and insert the child into the first null I encounter. This will ensure that your tree will fill up the levels first before it goes to another level. With the right number of nodes, it will always be complete.
I haven't worked that much with c++, so to be sure it was correct I did it in Java, but you get the idea:
You should try using a recursive approach such as x = new (x), if you know what that means. This way, you don't really have to worry about the root node. I am going to write some pseudocode for you:
I made a tutorial regarding the implementation of a BST in C++, here
With a few modifications to your code, I hope this should help :
Hence , this function returns the root node of the updated BST.