How to setup MongoDB so it can run as Windows service?
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This is what worked for me:
escaping the binPath was failing for me as described in the Mongo documentation
I think if you run it with the
command line switch, it installs it as a Windows Service.It might be worth reading this thread first though. There seems to be some problems with relative/absolute paths when the relevant registry key gets written.
Working on MongoDB 3.4 [Windows]
Create a file in C:/mongodb/mongodb.config using this configuration:
To install MongoDb as a service, run this command in powershell with admin power
mongod --config="C:\mongodb\mongodb.config" --install --service
Open Services.msc and look for MongoDb, then start it
I found that you should pass : dbpath , config and logfile to mongod with the install flag
example :
note : I have mongod path in my path variable .
You can control the service with :
If you install MongoDB 2.6.1 or newer using the MSI download from an Administrator Command Prompt, a service definition should automatically be created for you.
The MongoDB documentation also has a tutorial to help you Manually Create a Windows Service definition if needed.