Disable mouse scroll wheel zoom on embedded Google

2019-01-03 11:25发布

I am working on a WordPress site where the authors usually embed Google Maps using iFrames in most posts.

Is there a way to disable the zoom via mouse scroll wheel on all of them using Javascript?

2楼-- · 2019-01-03 11:53

There is an awesome and easy solution.

You need to add a custom class in your css that sets the pointer events to map canvas to none:

   pointer-events: none;

Then, with jQuery, you can add and remove that class based on different events, for example:

    $( document ).ready(function() {

    // you want to enable the pointer events only on click;

        $('#map_canvas').addClass('scrolloff'); // set the pointer events to none on doc ready
        $('#canvas').on('click', function() {
            $('#map_canvas').removeClass('scrolloff'); // set the pointer events true on click

    // you want to disable pointer events when the mouse leave the canvas area;

     $( "#map_canvas" ).mouseleave(function() {
          $('#map_canvas').addClass('scrolloff'); // set the pointer events to none when mouse leaves the map area

I have created an example in jsfiddle, hope that helps!

3楼-- · 2019-01-03 11:54

I'm re-editing the code written by #nathanielperales it really worked for me. Simple and easy to catch but its work only once. So I added mouseleave() on JavaScript. Idea adapted from #Bogdan And now its perfect. Try this. Credits goes to #nathanielperales and #Bogdan. I just combined both idea's. Thank you guys. I hope this will help others also...


<div class='embed-container maps'>
    <iframe width='600' height='450' frameborder='0' src='http://foo.com'>  </iframe>


.maps iframe{
    pointer-events: none;


$('.maps').click(function () {
    $('.maps iframe').css("pointer-events", "auto");

$( ".maps" ).mouseleave(function() {
  $('.maps iframe').css("pointer-events", "none"); 

Improvise - Adapt - Overcome

And here is an jsFiddle example.

4楼-- · 2019-01-03 11:54

Variations on a theme: a simple solution with jQuery, no CSS editing needed.

// make iframe active on click, disable on mouseleave
$('iframe.google_map').each( function(i, iframe) {
    $(iframe).parent().hover( // make inactive on hover
        function() { $(iframe).css('pointer-events', 'none');
    }).click( // activate on click
        function() { $(iframe).css('pointer-events', 'auto');
    }).trigger('mouseover'); // make it inactive by default as well

Hover listener is attached to the parent element, so if the current parent is bigger, you can just simply wrap the iframe with a div before the 3rd line.

Hope it'll be useful for somebody.

5楼-- · 2019-01-03 11:54

This will give you a responsive Google Map that will stop the scrolling on the iframe, but once clicked on will let you zoom.

Copy and paste this into your html but replace the iframe link with your own. He's an article on it with an example: Disable the mouse scroll wheel zoom on embedded Google Map iframes

    .overlay {
    width:100%; /* your iframe width */
    height:480px; /* your iframe height */
    top:480px; /* your iframe height */
    margin-top:-480px; /* your iframe height */
<div class="overlay" onClick="style.pointerEvents='none'"></div>
<iframe src="https://mapsengine.google.com/map/embed?mid=some_map_id" width="100%" height="480"></iframe>
6楼-- · 2019-01-03 11:56

Here's my take on the @nathanielperales answer extended by @chams, now extended again by me.


<div class='embed-container maps'>
    <iframe width='600' height='450' frameborder='0' src='http://foo.com'></iframe>


// we're doing so much with jQuery already, might as well set the initial state
$('.maps iframe').css("pointer-events", "none");

// as a safety, allow pointer events on click
$('.maps').click(function() {
  $(this).find('iframe').css("pointer-events", "auto");

$('.maps').mouseleave(function() {
  // set the default again on mouse out - disallow pointer events
  $(this).find('iframe').css("pointer-events", "none");
  // unset the comparison data so it doesn't effect things when you enter again

$('.maps').bind('mousemove', function(e){
  $this = $(this);
  // check the current mouse X position
  $this.data('mousepos', e.pageX);
  // set the comparison data if it's null or undefined
  if ($this.data('oldmousepos') == null) {
    $this.data('oldmousepos', $this.data('mousepos'));
    // some left/right movement - allow pointer events
    if ($this.data('oldmousepos') != $this.data('mousepos')) {
      $this.find('iframe').css("pointer-events", "auto");
    // set the compairison variable
    $this.data('oldmousepos', $this.data('mousepos'));
  }, 300);
  console.log($this.data('oldmousepos')+ ' ' + $this.data('mousepos'));
7楼-- · 2019-01-03 11:57

After doing some research you have 2 options. Since new maps api with iframe embed does not seem to support disabling of mousewheel.

First would be using old google maps ( https://support.google.com/maps/answer/3045828?hl=en ).

Second would be creating a javascript function to simplify embeding of a map for each comment and using parameters (it's sample code only to point location not show exact solution)

function createMap(containerid, parameters) {
  var mymap = document.getElementById(containerid),
  map_options = {
    zoom: 13,
    scrollwheel: false,
    /* rest of options */
  map = new google.maps.Map(mymap, map_options);

  /* 'rest of code' to take parameters into account */
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