I am writing a bash script in where I am trying to submit a post variable, however wget is treating it as multiple URLS I believe because it is not URLENCODED... here is my basic thought
MESSAGE='I am trying to post this information'
wget -O test.txt http://xxxxxxxxx.com/alert.php --post-data 'key=xxxx&message='$MESSAGE''
I am getting errors and the alert.php is not getting the post variable plus it pretty mush is saying
can't resolve I can't resolve am can't resolve trying .. and so on.
My example above is a simple kinda sudo example but I believe if I can url encode it, it would pass, I even tried php like:
MESSAGE='I am trying to post this information'
MESSAGE=$(php -r 'echo urlencode("'$MESSAGE'");')
but php errors out.. any ideas? How can i pass the variable in $MESSAGE without php executing it?
Pure Bash way:
'C3 A2' is 'â' in utf8 hex
utf8 list: http://www.utf8-chartable.de/
You want
to be in double-quotes, so the shell won't split it into separate words:On CentOS, no extra package needed: