I'm working on adding facebook api integration with ionic/cordova and am trying to find the debug hash key that is generated for my app when i do:
ionic build android
I know that it generates a new .keystore file at /userhomedir/.android/debug.keystore. But what does it set as the alias and password? And how can I retrieve this hash key after cordova has created it for my app. I don't see the hash key being printed anywhere during build process.
I need the generated hash key to give to Facebook API to use their sign on SDK
It seems Cordova use
with the passwordandroid
To get it :
password : android
One answer that worked for me is this one:
file you want to know the hash of to the 'Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin' folderkeytool -list -printcert -jarfile apkname.apk
value and convert it using this site