I would like to do something like this
<target name="clean" description="clean">
<available file="${build}" type="dir" />
<delete dir="${build}" />
As per suggestions found on stackoverflow.com, i downloaded ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar and put it into my path
Additionally, under Ant Build configuration, in classpath, i have
When running my ANT script, i still get
C:\Repositories\blah\build.xml:60: Problem: failed to create task or type if
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.
What am i missing? Please advise
On the tasks tab for your Ant Runtime do you see the 'if' task?
export ANT_HOME=/path/to/ant/apache-ant-1.8.2
I couldn't get it to work until I had ANT_HOME set properly. Java kept picking another ant installed on the box.Same issue resolved in that way. I put at the start of the buid XML file the following lines:
I got the same issue. I resolved in the following way. Sometimes this might be compatibility problem.
Alternately, once can include the following line in your ANT script
As long as
is in your path, nothing else is neededThis solution is a bit cleaner, as one gains access to ALL the tags, not just the ones manually specified
The standard ant way would be something like =
A snippet with the Ant Plugin Flaka, a recent alternative to antcontrib. Installation in Eclipse as usual via
Preferences | Ant | Runtime | Global Entries | ant-flaka-1.02.-1.02.jar =
output with ant -f build.xml -Dbuildtype=prod or
ant -f build.xml -Dbuildtype=prod -Ddummybuild=whatever
output with typo => ant - build.xml -Dbuildtype=testt
output with ant -f build.xml -Ddummybuild=whatever