Firefox always loads dynamic images, but IE it just shows images without any dynamic action. what changes I need to do?
JavaScript code from IE view source code:
<script type=”text/javascript”
if (document.getElementById("safeForm1d3").submitted.value == "false") {
document.getElementById("safeForm1d3").submitted.value = "true";
setTimeout('document.getElementById("safeForm1d3").submit()', 100);
I am using Wicket framework, so real java code is:
static private class SafeSubmitBehaviour extends AbstractBehavior{
public void onRendered( Component component ) {
super.onRendered( component );
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(200);
buffer.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" ><!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/\n");
buffer.append("if (document.getElementById(\"").append(component.getMarkupId()).append("\").submitted.value == \"false\") {\n");
buffer.append("document.getElementById(\"").append(component.getMarkupId()).append("\").submitted.value = \"true\";\n");
buffer.append("setTimeout('document.getElementById(\"").append(component.getMarkupId()).append("\").submit()', 100);\n}else{\n");
html page which loads my dynamic image is:
<div id="toHide" class="pb-text-align-center">
<img style="display: inline" src="img/load.gif" />
<form wicket:id="safeForm" class="clearfix">
<input type="hidden" wicket:id="submitted" value="false" />
two things:
The correct usage of
is:Your using wicket. The
is nothing the DOM knows. You have to assign an ID and use this one like you did it with the form itself.Hope that helps.
solved my problem. may be useful for others:
HTML source code:
Include this in the head
and have
which should render
Where would you do the
requires your function to be passed as a string or as an anonymous function: