I am adding the current date and time to my database using the following code:
$current_date_time = time();
echo date('n/j/y g:ia',$current_date_time);
It shows up as 11/29/09 12:38am when it should be 11/29/09 11:38am
The time is ahead by one hour. I am in the Pacific time zone and my hosting provider is in Utah, the Mountain Time Zone. Could this be the reason why it is ahead by one hour?
How do I solve this problem? Do I need to remove an hour from the time? If so, how do I do that? Or is there some sort of other way to account for time zone differences so it shows up in Pacific Time Zone time?
You solve it by setting the timezone explicitly in your PHP scripts. You can do this with
:Here is the list of PHP supported timezones.
You may also want to try a test script calling
to see what it's actually set to to verify that this is in fact the problem.