Is anyone getting this "xmlns" namespace issue (see below)? I cannot build my work project anymore.
- At first I thought it was my git branch, so I switched to the origin develop and master branches - issue persists.
- I cleaned and rebuilt my project - issue persists.
- I cleaned and synched my grade files - issue persists.
Finally I tried re-installing Android Studio and re-creating my git repository - issue persists.
The prefix "xmlns" cannot be bound to any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for "xmlns" be bound to any prefix explicitly. Error: The prefix "xmlns" cannot be bound to any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for "xmlns" be bound to any prefix explicitly. :{project}:mergeReleaseResources FAILED Execution failed for task ':{project}:mergeReleaseResources'. > {project}/build/intermediates/incremental/mergeResources/release/merger.xml:1:61: Error: The prefix "xmlns" cannot be bound to any namespace explicitly; neither can the namespace for "xmlns" be bound to any prefix explicitly.
Note: Issue seems similar to Android Gradle merged Values.xml uses wrong namespace, but I couldn't find an unused namespace. I ran an inspect, but no unused namespaces were found.
You need to remove all xmlns:android="" from your main\res\values\style.xml file style tag. Your style.xml file should be like this: (make sure no xmlns field in your style tag)
I was able to clear this error by 'editing' my build.gradle fine (delete a space, etc) and THEN cleaning my build. Without first editing the gradle build file, Android Studio was not picking up the changes.
In my case deleting the com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml file fixed this error.