I need to add a clock to a web page. The clock needs to be synchronized with a server but I really don't want to have it constantly check the server as the page will be open 24/7 on several PCs. Is there some way to get the time from the server and then use the systems clock to keep it updated and check the server every 15 minutes or so to keep it synced?
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Try below code this :
you just get one time date time from server, on load call this method and use moments js for format date:
one idea is to response datetime on page when it is requested. like:
**note : this is idea only, code may not work
The way I've gone about this before is:
You only need to update this occasionally from the server.
The problem that you've got to sort out though is that in making a request to get the time from the server, there will be a lag before you can get the client time. You can probably minimize this by using an ajax request to get the server time and nothing else, thereby cutting overhead and network lag etc.