This is one of the interview questions I recently came across.
Given the root address of a complete or almost complete binary tree, we have to write a function to convert the tree to a max-heap.
There are no arrays involved here. The tree is already constructed.
For e.g.,
/ \
2 5
/ \ / \
3 4 6 7
can have any of the possible max heaps as the output--
/ \
3 6
/ \ / \
2 1 4 5
/ \
4 6
/ \ / \
2 3 1 5
I wrote a solution but using a combination of pre and post order traversals but that I guess runs in O(n^2). My code gives the following output.
/ \
3 6
/ \ / \
1 2 4 5
I was looking for a better solution. Can somebody please help?
Edit :
My Code
void preorder(struct node* root)
void max_heapify(struct node* root,struct node* prev)
return ;
if(prev!=NULL && root->data > prev->data)
void swapper(struct node* node1, struct node* node2)
int temp= node1->data;
node1->data = node2->data;
node2->data = temp;
I think you can get one work simply by revising postOrderTraverse. This is O(n)
I don't know the way if you can't access the parent node easily or no array representation, if you could traverse the tree to record it ref in a array(O(N)), then it become simple.
That is it! The complexity should be O(N*LogN).
I think this can be done in O(NlogN) time by the following procedure.
Assume there is an element in the tree whose both left and right sub-trees are heaps.
This Tree formed by E, H1 and H2 can be heapified in logN time by making the element E swim down to its correct position.
Hence, we start building the heap bottom up. Goto the left-most sub-tree and convert it to a heap by trivial comparison. Do this for it's sibling as well. Then go up and convert it to heap.
Like-wise do this for every element.
EDIT: As mentioned in the comments, the complexity is actually O(N).