I have defined an F-Algebra, as per Bartosz Milewski's articles (one, two):
(This is not to say my code is an exact embodiment of Bartosz's ideas, it's merely my limited understanding of them, and any faults are mine alone.)
module Algebra where
data Expr a = Branch [a] | Leaf Int
instance Functor Expr where
fmap f (Branch xs) = Branch (fmap f xs)
fmap _ (Leaf i ) = Leaf i
newtype Fix a = Fix { unFix :: a (Fix a) }
branch = Fix . Branch
leaf = Fix . Leaf
-- | This is an example algebra.
evalSum (Branch xs) = sum xs
evalSum (Leaf i ) = i
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . unFix
I can now do pretty much anything I want about it, for example, sum the leaves:
λ cata evalSum $ branch [branch [leaf 1, leaf 2], leaf 3]
This is a contrived example that I made up specifically for this question, but I actually tried some less trivial things (such as evaluating and simplifying polynomials with any number of variables) and it works like a charm. One may indeed fold and replace any parts of a structure as one runs a catamorphism through, with a suitably chosen algebra. So, I am pretty sure an F-Algebra subsumes a Foldable, and it even appears to subsume Traversable as well.
Now, can I define Foldable / Traversable instances in terms of an F-Algebra?
It seems to me that I cannot.
- I can only run a catamorphism on an initial algebra, which is a nullary type constructor. And the algebra I give it has a type
a b -> b
rather thana -> b
, that is to say, there is a functional dependency between the "in" and "out" type. - I don't see an
Algebra a => Foldable a
anywhere in type signatures. If this is not done, it must be impossible.
It seems to me that I cannot define Foldable
in terms of an F-Algebra for the reason that an Expr
must for that be a Functor
in two variables: one for carrier, another for values, and then a Foldable
in the second. So, it may be that a bifunctor is more suitable. And we can construct an F-Algebra with a bifunctor as well:
module Algebra2 where
import Data.Bifunctor
data Expr a i = Branch [a] | Leaf i
instance Bifunctor Expr where
bimap f _ (Branch xs) = Branch (fmap f xs)
bimap _ g (Leaf i ) = Leaf (g i)
newtype Fix2 a i = Fix2 { unFix2 :: a (Fix2 a i) i }
branch = Fix2 . Branch
leaf = Fix2 . Leaf
evalSum (Branch xs) = sum xs
evalSum (Leaf i ) = i
cata2 f g = f . bimap (cata2 f g) g . unFix2
It runs like this:
λ cata2 evalSum (+1) $ branch [branch [leaf 1, leaf 2], leaf 3]
But I still can't define a Foldable. It would have type like this:
instance Foldable \i -> Expr (Fix2 Expr i) i where ...
Unfortunately, one doesn't get lambda abstractions on types, and there's no way to put an implied type variable in two places at once.
I don't know what to do.
It's very nice, that you used
. UsingBifunctor
of a base functor (Expr
) to defineFunctor
on a fixpoint (Fix Expr
). That approach generalises toBifoldable
(they are inbase
now) too.Let's see how this would like using
. It looks a bit different, as there we define normal recursive type, sayTree e
, and also its base functor:Base (Tree e) = TreeF e a
with two functions:project :: Tree e -> TreeF e (Tree e)
andembed :: TreeF e (Tree e) -> Tree e
. The recursion machinery is derivable using TemplateHaskell:Note that we have
Base (Fix f) = f
(project = unFix
,embed = Fix
), therefore we can userefix
convertTree e
toFix (TreeF e)
and back. But we don't need to useFix
, as we able tocata
directly!First includes:
Then the data:
Now as we have machinery in place, we can have catamorphisms
or (which we will need later)
First a
instance. TheBifunctor
instance forTreeF
is as OP has written, note howFunctor
falls out by itself.Not surprisingly,
for fixpoint can be defined in terms ofBifoldable
of base functor:And finally
:As you can see the definitions are very straight forward and follow similarish pattern.
Indeed we can define
-like function for every fix-point which base functor isBitraversable
.Here we use
to make type-signature prettier: noFunctor (base b)
as it's "implied" byBitraversable base
. Btw, that's a one nice function as its type signature is three times longer than the implementation).To conclude, I must mention that
in Haskell is not perfect: We use the last argument to fix base-functor:Thus Bartosz needs to define
in his answer to make kinds align, however it would be nicer to fix on the first argument:where
data TreeF' a e = LeafF' e | BranchF' [a]
, i.e.TreeF
with indexes flipped. That way we could haveFunctor (Fix b)
in terms ofBifunctor f
,Bifunctor (Fix b)
in terms of (non-existing in common libraries)Trifunctor
etc.You can read about my failed attempts about that and Edward Kmett's comments on the issue in https://github.com/ekmett/recursion-schemes/pull/23
An F-algebra defines a recipe for evaluating a single level of a recursive data structure, after you have evaluated all the children.
defines a way of evaluating a (not necessarily recursive) data structure, provided you know how to convert values stored in it to elements of a monoid.To implement
for a recursive data structure, you may start by defining an algebra, whose carrier is a monoid. You would define how to convert a leaf to a monoidal value. Then, assuming that all children of a node were evaluated to monoidal values, you'd define a way to combine them within a node. Once you've defined such an algebra, you can run a catamorphism to evaluatefoldMap
for the whole tree.So the answer to your question is that to make a
instance for a fixed-point data structure, you have to define an appropriate algebra whose carrier is a monoid.Edit: Here's an implementation of Foldable:
as a catamorphism is a little more involved because you want the result to be not just a summary--it must contain the complete reconstructed data structure. The carrier of the algebra must therefore be the type of the final result oftraverse
, which is(f (Fix (Expr b)))
, wheref
.Here's this algebra:
And this is how you implement
:The superclass of
is aFunctor
, so you need to show that the fixed-point data structure is a functor. You can do it by implementing a simple algebra and running a catamorphism over it:(Michael Sloan helped me write this code.)