I want to send JSON encoded data to a server using only native Python libraries. I love requests but I simply can't use it because I can't use it on the machine which runs the script. I need to do it without.
newConditions = {"con1":40, "con2":20, "con3":99, "con4":40, "password":"1234"}
params = urllib.parse.urlencode(newConditions)
params = params.encode('utf-8')
req = urllib.request.Request(conditionsSetURL, data=params)
My server is a local Wamp server. I always get a
urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
I am 100% sure that this is NOT a server issue, because the same data, with the same url, on the same machine, with the same server works with the requests library. (Also works with a program to send POST requests). I can't find out why it's doing that... I have coded the API myself.
You are not posting JSON, you are posting a
request.Encode to JSON and set the right headers: